Ukraine, USSR, Turkey, USA


Ukraine was once the golden child of the USSR. The historical map shows the industrial zones in Ukraine. Russia has already started a war against the former USSR because of the strategic importance of the industrial regions and the Crimea, which is the vital lifeblood of Moskovo.

The Crimean War was fought on October 4, 1854, when the alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, Great Britain and the Kingdom of Sardinia fought together against Russia and was described as the first modern war in history. 

1853-1855: A map showing the fronts and offensive routes of the Crimean War. And Geo-Strategic Crimean region feeds fat Moscow and majestic Saint Petersburg. In addition, the Russians did not pay any añttention to and did not invest in the former Proto-Turkic lands and other lands.

In fact, all of Ukraine has an important place in Turkic history. Go to the Museum in Kiev where there is a 2 thousand-year-old model of a Sarmat woman...

Crimea is also a vital "lifeblood" for Russians and an important trade entry.

Below is a table with Russian interference.

This was also the case in the USSR times. Money always flowed to Moscow. Other regions of Russia have always lagged behind.

Map: Cotton, William Henry. Carriers of the New Bla...1938.

Konunun başında da belirttiğim gibi ikinci dünya savaşından sonra Naziler gözünü ilk Ukrayna'daki sanayi bölgelerine dikti.

Save this map! It shows the theater of war.

Los Angeles Times 1939. Detay için bkn...


Another secret agenda of Hitler had a plan to invade jeo-strategically land of the Republic of Turkey by concluding a non-aggression pact, as the USSR did with the oil regions and the USSR

Both Germans and UK were trying to get Turkish diplomats into the war by promising them the places that Ottomans had lost. The number of Turkish soldiers in 1941 was 1.3 million. An important, albeit technically weak, figure. But Turkey's position is even more important. Why?

The situation in Turkey was very difficult because the British and the Germans wanted us on their side. According to the documents of the period, Turkey was sending nickel necessary for the production of weapons to Hitler, while the British were using some air bases. 

By the way, I would like to point out that the topic of nickel, 

At the end of the war, the Jews wanted the Turks to be investigated. A commission was established. During the research, Turkey was found that there was not thing related to Hitler and the Nazis. 

Photo: İsmet İnönü (Prime minister of the Republic Turkey.) And Winston Churchill (the United Kingdom prime prime minister)nister L

Photo: İsmet İnönü (Prime minister of the Republic Turkey) And Joseph Stalin (Georgian-born Soviet statesman and General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union)

Photo: İsmet İnönü and Stalin.

One of the main goals of Hitler:The riches of beautiful Azerbaijan. (Oli, money etc..)

Los Angeles times, Nazis Are Far From Taking the Real Prize of Caucasus, Baku Azerbaijan. 

One of the main goals of Hitler:The riches of beautiful Azerbaijan. (Oli, money etc..)

Los Angeles times, Nazis Are Far From Taking the Real Prize of Caucasus, Baku Azerbaijan.

The USSR Military Death in World War II

Predictably, Russians bore the highest number of absolute losses some two thirds of the 8.7 million total. Together with the Ukrainians and Belorussians that figure rises to 85%.


Büyük ihtimalle Nazi Almanya'sı düştüğünde Rus ve ABD onların nükleer, askeri ve teknolojik bilgilerin bir kısmına erişim sağladılar. ABD'ye götürülen nükleer bilim adamları gibi. Fransa'ya da nükleer bomba yapmada ABD yardımcı oldu.

Foto: L. M. Kaganovich. 1935 Guide Book.

Ukrayna'nın en büyük hatası nükleer füzelerinden batı yardımlarını alabilmek için vazgeçmek olmuştur.

SSCB'nin dağılmasının ardından dünyanın üçüncü en büyük nükleer silah envanterine sahipti. ABD yardımları için vazgeçti. Rusya işgal etmeyeceği söyleyerek Ukrayna'yı da kandırdı. 

Bugün bu nükleer füzeler olsaydı. Ne bu savaşı ne TB2'yi ne de bu anlamsız savaşı konuşuyor olmayabilirdik. Savaş en nihayetinde yıkım getiren bir şey ama hiçbir zaman savaş olmayacağı düşünmekte absürtlük olur. 


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