
Showing posts from April, 2022

Fake Armenian Genocide

  The reason for the Armenians events are that Armenian gangs burned Turkish villages to take advantage of wilson principles and massacred Muslims. While Ottomans were fighting on 10 different fronts, Armenians armed by Russia and Britain, was breaking apart from within. What a genocide !!! According to Niles & Sutherland report Armenians destroyed 205 out of 448 Turkish and Kurdish villages in Beyazid during WWI. None of the 33 Armenian villages were destroyed. This is ethnic cleansing and genocide by Armenians. And also Turkish state archives is open for research. 💥 Armed Armenian gangs destroyed everything.! 👉 Niles&Sutherland were first foreigners to visit Turkey after WW I. Their goal was to determine what help and how much help could be provided by US. According to this report Armenians caused massive death and destruction in Turkey. This picture indeed belongs to White Rose activitists who fought against Nazis in Germany during WW2. These activists were sentenced to de

Ukraine, USSR, Turkey, USA

  Ukraine was once the golden child of the USSR. The historical map shows the industrial zones in Ukraine. Russia has already started a war against the former USSR because of the strategic importance of the industrial regions and the Crimea, which is the vital lifeblood of Moskovo. The Crimean War was fought on October 4, 1854, when the alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, Great Britain and the Kingdom of Sardinia fought together against Russia and was described as the first modern war in history.  1853-1855: A map showing the fronts and offensive routes of the Crimean War. And Geo-Strategic Crimean region feeds fat Moscow and majestic Saint Petersburg. In addition, the Russians did not pay any añttention to and did not invest in the former Proto-Turkic lands and other lands. In fact, all of Ukraine has an important place in Turkic history. Go to the Museum in Kiev where there is a 2 thousand-year-old model of a Sarmat woman... Crimea is also a vital "lifeblood" for Russia


  1976, Galata Köprüsü.  1935; Florya, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Cumhurbaşkanlığı Köşkü inşaat çalışmalarını izlerken. 1966; Nuri Sesigüzel, Muazzez Arçay ve Fatma Girik. 1914, cephede çay molası vermiş 5 Türk askeri. 1948, Zeki Müren ve annesi Hayriye Hanım.  Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin ilk kadın heykeltıraşı, Sabiha Bengütaş. 1923; Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Kazım Paşa, Latife Hanım ve diğer subaylar köylülerin sorunlarını dinlerken. Poseidon’un üç dişli mızrağı ile denizlerin efendisi olarak tasvir edilen Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa. 1970, Karaköy, İstanbul. Osmanlı'nın son kadın sultanlarından Hanzade Sultan.  Seyit Onbaşı’nın top mermisiyle batan “Ocean Zırhlısı” 1974, Kıbrıs Barış Harekâtı’ndan bir kare. 1910, Galata Köprüsü. 1930-1987, Adile Naşit.  1986; Tarlabaşı, İstanbul. 1937; Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Trakya’da. 1980, Almanya’da eğitim gören Türk çocukları. 1979; Vefa, İstanbul.  1973; Rumeli Hisarı, İstanbul.  1999, Kosova Savaşı sırasında kaybolan çocuklarının arayan bir Kosovalı baba.